Eureka Forsythe

Bookish Variety PNGTuber

Rules & Guidelines

1. While my works are generally PG-13, my target audience is for those who are 21+. If you are a minor, please respect my wishes and click off.
2. Do not ask me or those in chat personal or sensitive questions regarding our private lives.
3. Treat others the way you yourself would like to be treated. Think before you type. Is it something you would like directed at yourself? What if someone said this to your loved ones? Be kind and act with an open heart and mind.
4. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. You will be swiftly banned and blocked.
5. Racist, homophobic, transphobic, and otherwise bigoted people are NOT welcome here, you will be banned without warning if you cause a disruption.
6. If you support harmful AI applications, NFTs, and crypto, you are not welcome here, either.
7. Please stay on topic during livestreams.
8. Let's have a fun and chill time together!

Stream & Video Works

  • Bookish Videos/Streams

  • Themed TBR Videos

  • Monthly Wrap-Ups

  • Vlogs

  • Analysis/Video Essay-Style Vids & Streams

  • Narrative-style Works

  • Voice Acting

  • Media Deep Dives

  • Variety Gaming Streams

  • Lore Videos

Video Tag: #foundforsythe
Stream tag: #onscreenandroid
Art tag: #eurekabyte
General tag: #eurekaforsythe
Blog posts: #signal4eureka


An amnesiac android who has found herself in a seemingly abandoned research facility. As she explores the never-ending halls of the Project Tower floor, she passes the time reading books and discovering media from the past and present on long-forgotten information terminals.


PNG Model Design by Cats @CatsDontDraw on Twitter.
Icon art by Ashley @umbrvx on Twitter.
Background art used on Rules & Guidelines, Stream & Video Works, and Lore sections from OKUMONO.
Photograph used in Credits section is by Raphael Schaller @ Unsplash.